The 'Trial Status' cannot currently be selected using the Advanced Search. Our IT is working on it, our apologies
for this inconvenience
All ongoing clinical trials in the EU/EEA are displayed through the
Clinical Trials Information System.
EU CTR continues to display information on EudraCT trials, including any newly submitted information on trials’ results and
on PIP/Art 46 third country files (see FAQs).
To look for a trial, click on “Home & Search”. All approved trials on COVID-19 can be found here.
Following the issuing of the Joint Letter by the European Commission, EMA and HMA, National Competent Authorities and European Medicines Agency have sent reminders to sponsors who were not compliant with the European Commission guideline on results posting. Thanks to these reminders, the percentage of posted results substantially increased. However, for some trials the reminders were not successful: detailed lists of these trials can be found here.
EU Clinical Trials Register version 2.2